Greetings Commanders,
Welcome to another week in the Elite Dangerous Galaxy.
As always, we hope you had a wonderful weekend just passed and wish you all the best in your onward, weekly endevors!
[Screenshot: CMDR NeutrinoNMS | Twitter]
Last week saw important changes made to how progress efforts work, in the pushback against the Thargoids.
Following last Thursday's routine maintenance tick,
We communicated out yesterday that along with the Thursday tick, targets and values were re-balanced to provide a fairer and more consistent battle with the Thargoids.
You can read the related announcement post here, however in summary:
Unlike Invasion States, Controlled States continue indefinitely until the progress bar is completed, therefore, as long as progress each week remains above 33%, the difference will continually be carried forward each week.
However, if progress is below 33% it will reduce to zero as it will in Invasion States.
In light of conversation driven around 'Control States' however, we are still investigating the following issue on team-side, as noted in the Issue Tracker and discussions within the official Elite Dangerous Forum.
As a preliminary heads up, we have a new wave of partners incoming as part of the 'Elite Dangerous Partner Program'!
Everyone who has been both successful and unsuccessful in their application for this round have been contacted and tomorrow will see the release of a welcome post, right here on the official Elite Dangerous news site, listing the latest creators into the ranks.
We'll naturally share this post via the Elite Dangerous Forum and all of our social channels too.
Along with new Partners come news opportunities to collect extra special drops via Twitch - all of which will also be revealed in tomorrow's post.
Following recent thoughts and feedback on the availability of our 'Purple Welcome Pack', Elite Dangerous Twitch Drops, collected for spending time watching our official Elite Dangerous livestreams live on Twitch, we have made the decision to make some alterations to the drop timings to allow viewers a more convenient timeframe of which to collect them, if the Community team should potentially have a short stream than usual.
The new drop cadence we are going to trial is as follows:
We'll review how these new timings go over the next few streams ahead, but hopefully this change will help more viewers achieve the 'welcome pack' moving forward if, as we say, livestreams differ in length from time to time.
With thanks to Alec Turner on Twitter this morning for highlighting, this spectacular approach to capturing astonishing moments in the Elite Dangerous galaxy was shared with us and we were blown away.
To quote PROtoKOPS:
"This video took all my material that I collected for a year and a half and I didn't have enough to cut the video in one day! I ran to shoot the missing fragments, it was something... As such, there is no plot in this video, it's just a dynamic cutting of my adventures in the world of the game"
Needless to say, we love it and can't wait to see more of your creations in the future.
Speaking of creatives, once again we'd like to celebrate last week's Stellar Screenshot winners with you all if you missed the chance to find out via social or as part of last week's Frameshift Live.
Head on over to the following video to view, but let's take the opportunity to call out the full list of winners here and now:
Submit your in game captures using #StellarScreenshots over on Twitter, Facebook and as part of the official Elite Dangerous Stellar Screenshots thread.
All winners picked will receive a special 'Shatter' paintjob for their efforts and will have their winning captures shared on our Frameshift Live livestream if within the same week, as well as our weekly winners announcement post on Twitter and Facebook.
As always, Commanders, we're grateful for all of your efforts and enthusiasm coursing through the Elite Dangerous galaxy.
Keep an eye on the official Forum and social channels for additional communications that may take place throughout the week.
We'll be sure to keep you informed of any immediate developments, when we have them.
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