Ram Tah’s Revelations Halt Court Martial

Ram Tah’s Revelations Halt Court Martial

The military trial of Admiral Aden Tanner has been suspended following evidence provided by Ram Tah as a witness for the defence.

The Federal Navy tribunal was called to consider multiple charges – including mutiny – held against Tanner, the chief military liaison to Aegis. While commanding the Musashi megaship, he attempted to gain access to Hind Mine station and locate evidence regarding Salvation’s anti-xeno superweapon.

Admiral Tanner’s defence attorney opened a live link with Phoenix Base to allow Ram Tah to provide the following testimony:

“We have analysed the classified experimental equipment that was recently delivered to enable Salvation’s superweapons. These components are near-identical to devices found at the Proteus research facility on Trapezium Sector YU-X c1-2. In 3113, an Azimuth Biochemicals science team conducted weapons testing using Guardian artefacts from this site, accidentally triggering a radiation surge which resulted in their deaths.”

“My hypothesis is that Salvation has constructed large-scale versions of the Proteus design. These generate a powerful electromagnetic pulse at frequencies which disrupt the Thargoids’ bio-mechanical technology.”

“It’s highly probable that this is based on an existing Guardian weapon discovered by the Proteus. This would explain why its presence within a system attracts Thargoid vessels.”

The Federal Navy Criminal Court announced that Admiral Tanner’s court martial has been temporarily suspended while the new evidence is reviewed.

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