A new planetary survey initiative has been announced by Brewer Corporation, calling for pilots to scan locations around the core systems. Speaking from the newly deployed megaship Trailblazer Echo, CEO Madelyn Teague made the following announcement: "Recent events have accelerated plans to explore a new age of system colonisation efforts. Brewer Corporation has proudly supported ambitious projects such as the Colonia Bridge, and worked with other corporations to improve and increase starports across the galaxy. Now we take another step forward in the continued march across the stars." "Universal Cartographics has partnered with us to collect, analyse and process the very latest exploration data, to help calibrate our metrics for optimal colonisation targets. Explorers who wish to contribute to the initiative can hand in exploration data to the Trailblazer Echo in the HIP 90578 system. Contributions will be valued by thoroughness, with full FSS scans & planetary probing completions rewarded higher. Data from the following planetary body types has been requested: -Rocky Ice -Rocky -Icy -Metal Rich -High Metal Content Brewer Logistics is offering the following rewards: - All participants will receive a detailed surface scanner V1, pre-engineered with expanded probe scanning radius. Participants must register at least 1 contribution to be eligible. - Credit rewards will be distributed according to contribution level.
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