Type-6 Transporter
Manufactured by Lakon Spaceways, the Type-6 Transporter is seen by many independent pilots as a natural progression from the versatile Cobra Mk III. When appropriately outfitted, the ship offers sufficient cargo space for the profitable trading of standard commodities, precluding the need to transport rare commodities long distances. The Type-6 has limited combat ability, however, and pilots who expect conflict are advised to upgrade the ship's shields and hull.
The Type-6 Transporter has been designed for medium-size landing pads.
Type-6 Transporter
- 战斗机停靠区?
- No
- 多人共乘座位
- -
- 停机坪需求
- Medium
- 最高速
- 223 m/s
- 推进速度
- 356 m/s
- 机动性
- 3 / 10
- FSD 满载距离
- 10.15 LY
- FSD 空船距离
- 13.38 LY
- 护盾
- 77
- 护甲
- 324
- 质量
- 155 T
- 载货量
- 50 T
- 高度
- 15 m
- 宽度
- 27.2 m
- 长度
- 48.4 m